1st - 4th September 2020

Pilsen, Czech Republic

Conference Opening 1. 9. 2020 - 0 days remaining


Conference is considered a hybrid conference. The live and virtual conference will take place. See the programme below. Live presentations on-site will be streamed for all virtual participants on the first day of the conference. The next day will be optional and will change on the base of the received presentations from authors. Preliminary we count on to make the private compounded video of all received voiced presentations and stream them the next day of the conference. All participants will have access to private cloud-based proceedings with all received papers and presentations.

Christian Weindl

Keynote speaker

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Weindl

"Regenerative grid usage and E-mobility – Is the Dissipation Factor still the Key Value for the State Estimation of Insulation Systems?"

Feipeng Wang

Keynote speaker

Prof. Dr. Feipeng Wang

"Overcoming challenges to high performance ester-based insulation oils for enhancing safety level of power grid"

Next keynotes will be revealed later....