Conference Start! 3. 9. 2024 REGISTER

CDEE 2024 Submission information




Please submit your abstract to our conference submission system (We are using NanoCONFER system for our paper management.). Make sure to include all authors and that the paper's name and abstract are relevant to the topics of the conference. The deadline for abstract submission is 15. December 2023 15. January 2024. Abstract submission after the deadline is possible with the permission of the conference chair.


For submission please use the official IEEE template (A4), which can be found here: Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. If you are using Overleaf, you can find official templates here Overleaf templates. Preferred length of the paper is 4 pages. Deadline for the paper submission is 15. April 2024

See some full paper examples from previous conference in IEEE Xplore database:



Step 1: Please reflect the fedback from Reviewers.

Step 2: Include IEEE Copyright notice on the first page and check that your funding agency is included in the footnote!

Copyright notice

For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:

979-8-3503-6149-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 Crown

For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:

979-8-3503-6149-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 European Union

For all other papers (the most common occurrence) the copyright notice is:

979-8-3503-6149-0/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

Step 3: Convert to PDF and check its compatibility with IEEE

IEEE PDF eXpress® =>

HOW TO: PDFExpress Manual

Step 4: Upload PDF of final paper from IEEE PDF eXpress® to conference system

Please, do not change the name of the file „XXXXXXXX.pdf“ and upload it in this form to the conference system!!!

In order to unify the conference papers appearance please check whether your sponsor acknowledgments is placed in the unnumbered footnote on the first page


Oral presentations (section O1, O2 and O3) cannot exceed 15 minutes (including Q&A). Please be advised that presentations exceeding the limit will be cut off by the chair in the interest of time.

Presenters do not have to bring their own computer. There will be a Windows-based laptop computer that will be available in the session room. Your presentations (preferring presentation prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF) will be accepted in USB Flash drive form. Copy of your presentation should be labeled with the following information on USB Flash Drive: Session Title, Title of Presentation, Author’s Name

Authors whose articles were included in the Poster Section (P1 and P2) should display their papers in the poster format (preferably A1 – 594 mm (wide) x 841 mm (tall)).

In general, the Poster Session papers are displayed simultaneously with authors standing next to their posters. The author should be prepared to give a short description of their work, if asked, and answer questions from those attending. Poster session Chairs will be available during poster sessions. For the location of the poster session refer to the program book and conference information. Tools for the fixing of posters will be available directly in the sections.

IMPORTANT: No-Show Policy. To have your paper included in the IEEE Xplore database, one author needs to register for attending the conference, and present the paper in the assigned session, either in a talk or as a poster, according to the respective track.

If you would like to use the Diagnostika 2024 logo in your presentation, you can download it here:

University of West Bohemia

Univerzitni 8, 306 14, Czech Republic


fax: +420 37763 4502

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